*additional* Flavoured Milk

To make the use of my time I decided to add some additional pieces of packaging. These will be two bottles of flavoured milk that have the same basic layout and design.

I started by drawing out the net that would fit my glass bottles. I have put in some margins that would show me what would be visible when the bottle is facing forward. I have then placed the logo and additional typography on the net.

I then sketched some blueberries (and strawberries) to decide which one to use for my pattern (instead of the mice on my cheese packaging)

I added in my pattern to the net

Here is the design so far with all the elements needed - it now needs more of a margin to not make the text look too crammed in the space.

With a few adjustments to layout and the addition of the other recycling symbols and the other organic title - here is the finished net for the blueberry milk.

I then used the same net to build my strawberry milk net by changing the colour scheme and pattern.

I am happy with this result as it fits with my cheese packaging and so will be identifiable as my brand but the writing on the back of the bottle is too small, so given more time I would like to have worked on that part more.